Peanut brittle (dent)"PEYEK"-in indonesian- is one of the foods that are quite popular. In
addition to crunchy, peanut brittle that has some of this variation can
be enjoyed as a snack or side dish instead of crackers complement.
Peanut brittle, or often referred to dent this makes in the fried food. Made from wheat flour mixed with water to form a thick batter, then flavored, and given a filler material such as peanuts, soy, anchovies, shrimp and many more according to taste.
Peanut brittle, or often referred to dent this makes in the fried food. Made from wheat flour mixed with water to form a thick batter, then flavored, and given a filler material such as peanuts, soy, anchovies, shrimp and many more according to taste.